Starting from v1.2.0 only python 3 and gtk 3 are supported. If you have python2/gtk2, then keep version 1.1.0


gnome-connection-manager v1.2.1 - 2020-06-17

- Supports ONLY python3 + gtk3 - get the code from

gnome-connection-manager v1.2.0 - 2020-03-26

- Supports ONLY python3 + gtk3 - get the code from

gnome-connection-manager v1.1.0 - 2012-07-05

- Bugfix: public key field was not saved (thanks to BenoƮt Georgelin for reporting the bug)
- Bugfix: bug in AES library resulted in blank passwords randomly being replaced by some characters (thanks to Boyan Peychev for reporting the bug)
- Bugfix: drag and release tab on the same notebook caused tab to be closed
- Bugfix: expanded/collapsed folders state was reverted back to a previous state after editing a host
- Bugfix: cluster window had to be resized to show the text area in some setups
- Bugfix: blank lines in commands tab were removed when restarting application (thanks to Nicholas O'Neill for reporting the bug)
- Added korean translation (thanks to Jong Hoon Lee)
- Better indentation in server panel
- Disabled the horizontal scroll bar in the console
- Added option to open local console on application startup (thanks to Boaman Surebun for the implementation)
- Added option to copy buffer to clipboard
- User default shell used instead of bash
- Some options exposed through shortcuts
- Added servers and edit menu